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Care and Connect : Dementia Friendly Places

Find places that are ‘dementia friendly’, the places people with dementia and their carers enjoy to go, whethe...


Store review

Find places that are ‘dementia friendly’, the places people with dementia and their carers enjoy to go, whether this is outside or inside. So if you are a person living with dementia, or care for someone with dementia, or have a real interest in how communities can be dementia friendly then please use this app to discover new places and help others by leaving reviews.

This app provides a simple and convenient way to discover dementia friendly places and leave reviews. It enables you to rate places by the following important categories:

- Staff interaction
- Physical layout/design
- Clarity of wayfinding
- Atmosphere; ambiance; calmness

This application was developed by a community as part of a research project at Newcastle University.


3.8 MB

Last update

June 18, 2020

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