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Filo Track

Filo is a small electronic device which helps you find and locate all your valuables. Attach Filo to your key...


Store review

Filo is a small electronic device which helps you find and locate all your valuables.

Attach Filo to your keys, wallet, bag, leave it into your car or motorbike and retrieve it quickly.
Can't find your valuables? Check their last seen position on the App. With Filo you'll be able to retrieve your smartphone quickly. How? Just press Filo's button to make your iPhone ring even if it is on silent mode.

Bluetooth 4.0 Low Energy: Range up to 80 meters, depending on the morphology of the environment,
REPLACEABLE Battery: CR2016 estimated life 4-10 months
Dimensions: 38 x 38 x 6 mm - CE Certification - Bluetooth Smart - Warranty 24 months - 100% MADE IN ITALY

Continuous use of GPS running in background can significantly decrease battery life.

Store rating


out of

9 reviews


97.0 MB

Last update

June 14, 2020

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