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MOOCs University

MOOCs University App is a Proximity-based Social and Educational Network App helping people interested in or a...


Store review

MOOCs University App is a Proximity-based Social and Educational Network App helping people interested in or already taking MOOCs to connect, help and learn from each other.

Anyone Anywhere Interested in MOOCs from Any Platform or Provider can connect with others interested in MOOCs in their neighborhood, school, city, state, region, country, or countries of interest.

App Features include,

- MOOCers Near: Proximity-based feature to see & reach out to other MOOCers near you or around the world

- MOOCers Chat: Live Chat feature enables you to talk live with other MOOCers around the world about MOOCs 24/7.

- MOOCers Wall: MOOCers can post announcements to this wall seeking other MOOCers interested in same MOOC subject area;specific MOOC or just about anything related to MOOCs.

- MOOC Meetups: List of MOOC Meetups worldwide.

- Directories of Higher Ed, K-12, Verified MOOCs & Other MOOC Providers

- MOOC Resources to help you in your MOOC Studies

- Latest MOOCsNews & information

Store rating


out of

2 reviews


17.7 MB

Last update

June 14, 2020

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