Additionally, paste this code immediately after the opening tag:


TraceFiction was enhanced for speech to text, and for specific websites, it will enter the "Trace" mode. These...

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TraceFiction was enhanced for speech to text, and for specific websites, it will enter the "Trace" mode. These useful functions are all in the deficiencies of the browser! Please try any of the novels in the ck101 forum. If other websites want to be like ck101, you can watch the documentation of javascript injection : sitejs. Please feel free to ask questions about the use.

TraceFiction is a powerful and convenient web page "speak" software.
Turn online web pages into readable novel formats.
If you encounter a new web page, you can also add the content of sitejs.json to convert it!

TraceFiction has the following features:
1. Record your last viewing position.
2. Specific sites support Javascript re-layout, adjust the font size and color.
3. Scroll page by swipe form left and right margins.
4. support with Tone Wen Tang conversion.
5. support tracking mode and normal mode.
6. supports iOS 7 TTS function, read footer from the left corner.
7. support wire, Bluetooth headsets and other playback controls
8. Supports background read article

Main Page:
2 taps on middle of screen: show navigation page
2 taps on left part of screen: Previous
2 taps on right part of screen: forward
3 taps on screen: start or pause TTS
1 finger swipe: page scroll
Swipe from left edge : page up (can be customized)
Swipe from right edge page down (can be customized)
Long press: select content, finished selecting options appear TTS
Tap the top right corner and the upper left: scroll to the top
Tap the lower right corner and the bottom left: scroll to footer

Navigation pages:
<: Previous
>: Forward
+: Add to Track List
Font settings: After setting need reload the page.

Track List:
Left swipe: Deleted
Double-tap: Set to normal mode or tracking mode
Tap: Start Reading

User can download/view/modify/share their reading list and process java script in json format via iTune.

The following is sitejs.json Description:
Format: utf8 encoding, UNIX type, JSON format.
toCHT.macro ==> convert CHT JS
toCHS.macro ==> converting CHS JS

Comparison website: ==> If macth, and then execute the JS and return test results ==> If macth, check the result is true, execute JS.

"": "document.body.innerHTML = 'hello world';",
"": "var result = 'yes'; result"

Result: When you open the google page and enter the tracking mode, the page will display hello world.


1.0 MB

Last update

Nov. 28, 2019

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