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SpotAngels Parking Map & Deals

Welcome to the largest community of drivers making parking easy together! SpotAngels will help you find free p...


Store review

Welcome to the largest community of drivers making parking easy together!
SpotAngels will help you find free parking, get parking deals, as well as check street parking rules to avoid expensive street cleaning tickets!

**Find free parking**
SpotAngels shows street parking & garages in a detailed map with rules and rates, kept up-to-date by our community. It also shows where you're likely to find street parking based on where drivers of the community previously parked.
Search and filter the map in 1 tap to find free parking and save money!

**Get parking deals**
SpotAngels shows you all the deals on parking garages and lots so you can save money when you can't park for free. Get access to thousands of garages in more than 100 cities. Book in advance to get a discount compared to the on-site price!

**Get street cleaning and alternate side parking hours for your neighborhood**
See where to park to avoid street cleaning or alternate side parking. SpotAngels also supports residential parking permits in cities where they apply.

**Locate your car at any time and avoid tickets**
SpotAngels automatically remembers your parking location using your car’s Bluetooth or phone sensors. It then sends you notifications when it’s time to move your car for street cleaning or any other street parking rule.

**Start crowdsourcing to put your city on the map!**
Drivers in the SpotAngels community can add or edit parking rules at any time by simply sending a picture of a parking sign. They can also report open spots for other drivers of the community.

Los Angeles (LA)
New York City (NYC)
Philadelphia (Philly)
San Antonio
San Diego
San Francisco (SF)
San Jose
Santa Monica
Washington, D.C.
and many other cities. Start crowdsourcing to put your city on the map!

They are talking about SpotAngels:
The NYC street parking spot finder” New York Post
The solution to NYC parking tickets” Fox 5 New York
"SpotAngels can at least make sure you avoid a parking ticket" The Boston Globe
"SpotAngels helps drivers avoid parking tickets” San Francisco Chronicle
San Francisco parking app protects you from parking tickets” CBS San Francisco
"Useful for finding open meters and free parking" Chicago Tribune
"SpotAngels helps drivers find free parking and cheap parking, fast" Patch Los Angeles
"The map helps drivers find free and cheap parking" Patch Seattle

Happy parking :)
We’re here to help at if you have any questions.

Store rating


out of

4411 reviews


97.3 MB

Last update

June 10, 2020

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