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Get At Me!

Privately text your location without typing! Tap "Get At Me!” to generate a ready-to-send message with map URL...


Store review

Privately text your location without typing! Tap "Get At Me!” to generate a ready-to-send message with map URLs. It’s a normal text - you control editing, who it goes to, and pressing send. Your friends have it easier too - they simply tap one of your texted links to open their favorite map app with directions to your coordinates.

Friend doesn't have a smartphone? You can opt to send a screenshot of your map view. Worried about moving while your friend is en route? Just hit "Get At Me!" again to make the transition as smooth as possible and mitigate friendship implosion.

Meet friends at a music festival or in a park. Let your partner know that you're on the way home. Ping another field trip group about your group's progress. Show that you’re stuck in traffic. Kick off a surprise visit. Catch an impromptu ride from friends or family. Make your parents less worried. Make your parents more worried. Invite a rival to a showdown. Brag about being on a boat (with reception).

iPhone 4 only supports 2D maps. Your location is tracked only while this app is actively on-screen. Until you send off a text message the only entities that should know your location because of this app are you, your phone, and Apple. This app’s logo icon contains modifications of multiple free-use icons originally created by Freepik at

Store rating


out of

5 reviews


1.4 MB

Last update

June 10, 2020

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