The Best Quran App! Quran Kareem is the complete Quran in Uthmani Book form with verse by verse translation, t...
The Best Quran App! Quran Kareem is the complete Quran in Uthmani Book form with verse by verse translation, transliteration, notes, bookmarks and recitation!
We offer:
● World famous reciters including Abdul Rahman Al-Sudais, Sheikh Mishary Rashid Alafasy, Cheikh Saad al Ghamedi and more with Riwayat Hafs, riwayat Qaloon, Riwayat Warch, Tajweed and Muaalim...
● Audio translation in English, Urdu, Persian, French and more...
● Three English translations and many language translations (AlBanian, Bengali, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Chinese, Dutch, French, German, Hausa, Hindi, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Kurdish, Malaysian, Persian, Portuguese, Russian, Somali, Spanish, Swedish, Tamil, Thai, Turkish, Urdu, Uzbek...)
● Tafsir - Tafheem Al Jalalayn in english
● Tafsir ibn al katheer in French
● 8 Arabic Tafsir (saadi, muyasser, ibn katheer, Baghawi, Tabari, Kortobi, ibn Achour).
●I3rab Quran of Kassem Hamid Doaas
● English Transliteration.
● Tafsir al Muyasser audio
● Possibility to repeat the Ayah or The Surah many times
With Quran Kareem you can also:
+navigate between Surahs, Hizb, Juzz' and/or pages very quickly.
+search in the Arabic Quran text, and display results, and jump to the desired ayah quickly.
+download the audio.
+Multilanguage app
نشكر الله عز وجل الذي وفقنا بفضله لإنجاز هذا التطبيق.
Thank God Almighty to accomplish this application.
شكر وعرفان لموقع مجمع الملك فهد لطباعة المصحف الشريف (مصدر الصور) ولموقع تنزيل (مصدر النص القرآنى والتراجم) وموقع
Verse by Verse Quran
(مصدر التلاوات)
وموقع جامعة الملك سعود مصدر التفاسير
Special thanks to King Fahd Complex for the Printing of the Holy Qur'an (source of Quran images files) , (source of Quran text and translations) , (source of Tafasir (explanations)) and Verse by Verse Quran (source of recitations audio files).
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24468 reviews
101.9 MB
Last update
Sept. 25, 2022