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AppsOnMobile is AppPoint's mobile client interface for solutions developed using its business application infr...


Store review

AppsOnMobile is AppPoint's mobile client interface for solutions developed using its business application infrastructure BizAPP Studio and AppsOnAzure.This application infrastructure offers an unique point and click approach to develop and deliver multi device compatible cloud enabled mobile business applications.With AppsOnMobile, these applications are enabled for

* Offline support with intelligent synchronization framework
* Service aggregation and mobile workflow support
* Controlled delivery of applications and relevant data
* Platform specific interface ensuring optimal user experience and seamless device integration
* Accessing information while you are offline and take actions

Some of the mobile business applications built using AppPoint's business infrastructure across diverse industry verticals include Treasury Management, CRM, Clinical Trials and Supply chain Management, Project Management and etc.

AppsOnMobile supports devices running iOS versions 5.x and 6.x


42.5 MB

Last update

July 3, 2020

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