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Date Score

Keep track of your dates in a fun way! Rate your date on a dozen different qualities - are they cute, how ro...

$ 0.99

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Keep track of your dates in a fun way! Rate your date on a dozen different qualities - are they cute, how romantic are they, are they funny? Do they like the same music or sports? Are you interested in another date? Add a few, well chosen words, or just a single impression.

Date Score keeps a list of your dates - see them all, see how one ranks against another. Add a photo. Contact them. Add the date of your first date, and how many dates you've had.

Change the score, the photo and all the rest of it at any time. Delete them when you truly want to forget.

Before the details become fuzzy, take a moment to record your feelings. Fast and easy. A great fun way to remember what it was you liked about your dates and what not so much.

Use Date Score for guys or girls, friends, or anyone you'd like to rate and save.


5.3 MB

Last update

Nov. 27, 2019

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