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Capture your memories in shared albums. It's fast, private, and simple. Create albums for all occasions: weddi...


Store review

Capture your memories in shared albums. It's fast, private, and simple. Create albums for all occasions: weddings, birthdays, vacations, families, and classrooms. Join a friend’s album or start a new one. There’s no limit to the number of photos or videos you can add or friends you can invite, and only members of the album can add and view.

Create albums for sharing:
Newborn baby with grandparents
Birthday celebration with friends
Wedding photos with family & friends
Classroom activities with parents
Puppy or kitten cuteness with your significant other
Vacations and holidays with loved ones
• Life’s special moments…

Store rating


out of

45209 reviews


44.9 MB

Last update

June 12, 2020

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