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English - Uzbek Slovoed Classic Talking Dictionary

***TWO DAYS GRACE PERIOD! Use the dictionary FOR FREE*** Inglizcha-O’zbekcha-Inglizcha Slovoed Classic lug’at...

Expired  $ 22.99 Free

Store review

***TWO DAYS GRACE PERIOD! Use the dictionary FOR FREE***

Inglizcha-O’zbekcha-Inglizcha Slovoed Classic lug’ati bir qancha tarjimalarni va muhim qoidalarning batafsil izohlarini o’z ichiga oladi. Shu tufayli mazkur lug’at siz uchun sayohat, o’qish va ishda tengi yo’q qo’llanma bo’lib xizmat qiladi.
Ushbu lug’at:
• 24.000 dan ziyod so’z va so’z birikmalaridan iborat;
• 20.000 dan ziyod so’zlarga Inglizlar tomonidan ovoz berilgan bo’lib, shu so’zlarning talaffuzini o’rganish imkoniyati ham mavjud.


You can now look up words while reading news, e-mail, Safari sites, messaging or other popular apps! Select any text and send it to the dictionary via the “Share” button. All words available in the dictionary will be highlighted. To activate this feature, please select Slovoed as a sharing 'extension'.
New multiple clipboard look-up! You can now copy as many words as you need while reading – even the whole text, - switch back to Slovoed app and view all the relevant dictionary entries one-by-one.
Full text search allows you to look up words more efficiently throughout the whole dictionary content, including headwords, idioms and usage examples.
List of similar words in case of misspelling.
Wildcard search if you are unsure of the exact word spelling. Use “?” and “*” symbols to replace the missing letters.
Search for anagrams, e.g . tab-bat
Morphology module to translate English words in any grammatical form.
Hyperlinks between articles and directions.


English audio pronunciations recorded by native speakers to master your spoken language skills.
Full linguistic information – with declension and conjugation tables – is included, making Slovoed a must-have for any language scholar of English.
Table of English irregular verbs.
Favorite articles to quickly access and revise frequently searched words.
Flash Card Quiz lets you add new words to flash cards, memorize them and test your knowledge as many times as you wish.
Handy Converter support to easily and quickly understand foreign measurements, especially when travelling abroad.


Graphics fully adapted for iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus.
• Built-in PenReader multilingual handwriting recognition to enter your queries even more comfortable.
Enhanced customization options allow you to modify animated menus and choose background colors.
Enlarge or reduce font size for your comfort.
• No Internet connection required: simply download the dictionary once and use it on your iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch without any additional expense.


“ILMUZIYO” haqida

“ILMUZIYO” tashabbuskor guruhi, 2002 yilda TDYUI talabasi Ulug’bek Isaqov, TDIU talabasi Mansur Rahimov va O’zMU talabasi Burhon Sobirovlar tomonidan tashkil etilgan bo’lib, hozirgi kunda nashr va matbaa sohasida muvaffaqiyatli faoliyat yuritib kelmoqda. Jamoamiz hozirgi kungacha, kitobxonlar tomonidan sevib foydalanilayotgan Inglizcha-O’zbekcha lug’at (2002y.), Inglizcha-O’zbekcha lug’atning yangi boyitilgan nashri (2003y.), “Funny English”, Teddy & Princess” va “Orphanage” kabi bolalar uchun inglizcha kitoblar seriyasi, va shuningdek Inglizcha-O’zbekcha/O’zbekcha-Inglizcha lug’at (2010y) kitoblarini nashrdan chiqargan.

Store rating


out of

4 reviews


63.1 MB

Last update

June 24, 2020

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