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With BirthdaysPro you are always informed about the upcoming birthdays (and anniversaries) of all your contact...

$ 1.99

Store review

With BirthdaysPro you are always informed about the upcoming birthdays (and anniversaries) of all your contacts. Also for VK (VKontakte) and Odnoklassniki.

Birthday list sorted by date
Contact list sorted by name
Calendar view
Also anniversaries and other dates supported
Get up to 2 reminder messages for each event
Switch off reminder for certain contacts
Reminder repeat (see help)
Badge on icon with number of current events
• Display/import birthdays from VK or Odnoklassniki
Synchronization with calendar (no import of foreign data)
Export to file (Excel and CSV), except social network
Add or edit birthdays directly to address book or BirthdaysPro
See age, photo and address book data of your contacts
Access protection with passcode or Touch ID
Zodiac signs (western and Chinese)
Data transfer to other device (Bluetooth)
Filter data source and event
Filter address book groups
Different screens on iPhone and iPad
Different background patterns (iPad landscape mode)
Help (see "More/Help" within the app)
And more

Pay once - install on multiple devices associated with the iTunes account.

Store rating


out of

178 reviews


22.4 MB

Last update

Nov. 26, 2019

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