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Date Wheel date calculator

Date Wheel™ is an award-winning date calculator that calculates time between two dates in months, weeks, days,...

$ 2.99

Store review

Date Wheel™ is an award-winning date calculator that calculates time between two dates in months, weeks, days, & business days. ● Save calculations for future reference. ● Countdown to an important date or event.

If you want to try before you buy, check out our free web version at:

With Date Wheel™, you can:

+ Calculate shipping time in business days

+ Calculate tooling timing in weeks

+ Determine when to schedule your next appointment

+ Determine your pregnancy due date, track how far along you are, then track the age of your newborn in weeks, days, or months

+ Determine when a project should start, then figure out how long a project is overdue

Use for both business & personal applications— anytime you need to quickly calculate the time between two dates. DateWheel was designed by a former project manager.

Calculates end date, start date, or duration in REAL TIME—oldest field automatically updates. Great for tweaking dates and duration.
Time units in months, weeks, days, & business days
Save calculations for future reference. Flick thru saved calcs or directly select a calc. Reorder or edit.
Use locks to to keep preferred area constant
Enter dates & duration manually, or increment using arrow buttons
Single arrow buttons increment/decrement by one day, double arrows by one week for easy changes to original entries
Use Today checkbox to go quickly to today's date or to create a countdown by checking the box by the start date. Field updates daily to count down to an event.
Use the Today checkbox in the end date to daily track how long a task is taking or how old someone is. Field updates daily and increments duration.
Intuitive user interface, fine-tuned from years of customer user feedback
View day-of-the-week for start & end dates
Financial (30 day) months with three decimal places
Support for VoiceOver
Backup on iTunes or iCloud Backup
Also supports iPhone 6 and 6+

+ Project Planning
+ Program Management
+ Lead Time estimating
+ Countdown days before important events, such as wedding, vacation or other major event
+ Time Management
+ Court date & contract planning
+ Financial forecasting
+ Medical timing as in pregnancy due dates
+ Insurance timing, such as disability dates
+ Commonly used in Automotive, Construction, Real Estate, Insurance, & Medical Industries
+ Track when shipments are due to arrive
+ Project when events are expected to start
+ Calculate how long something is overdue
+ Figure out when to schedule your next haircut
+ Count down the days until your next paycheck
+ Find the day of the week for any past, present, or future date
+ Calculate the Julian date of any day by setting start date to 12/31

"I've tried several date calculators and keep coming back to Date Wheel. It has the best user interface."-DM

"I LOVE [Date Wheel] and rely on it as an attorney to circumvent going beyond any due dates."-Jason A

"I...recommend it to anyone working with schedules on a [mobile]. Date Wheel is the most critical and utilized application on my [mobile]."-MJL

"One of my favourite programs and I find it mighty useful."-Sammy McLoughlin, PalmAddict

"...the best date calculator around"-Joel

"Deceptively simple yet precise program"-Kevin Agot

"...A useful tool for project planning, time management, estimating lead times, (to) count down to an important event, estimate shipping and arrival times, determine the exact age of a relative or friend...Ever try to calculate these kinds of things in your head or using a calendar?"-Handheld Computing

Also by Creative Algorithms:

- Trip Boss™ travel manager, available in 4 editions
- Serving Sizer™ recipe manager, available in 2 editions for iPhone, one for iPad

Store rating


out of

64 reviews


3.2 MB

Last update

June 21, 2020

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