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GemSpot Klang Valley's largest F&B booking directory app, now with food takeaway/delivery for hassle-free dini...


Store review

Klang Valley's largest F&B booking directory app, now with food takeaway/delivery for hassle-free dining.

Not sure what to eat and where to go? The GemSpot directory is here to help! With the fastest growing directory of F&B outlets in the Klang Valley, you’ll surely find something to get those stomach juices flowing here. Looking for a party spot to ignite your night? We’ve got you covered too. Never be out of the loop ever again with GemSpot!

Hate waiting in queue? Book your spot at your favourite restaurants, bars and clubs in the Klang Valley from the comfort of your home. We provide a seamless and hassle-free booking experience to ensure every experience you book with us, brings you nothing but joy!

Your great experiences don’t have to be at the expense of your bank account. Enjoy amazing deals and discounts when you purchase GemSpot vouchers at your favourite restaurants, bars and clubs. Available exclusively on GemSpot!

With this new update, browse through all the past experiences of previous visitors so you may try out new places with confidence through genuine reviews and ratings!


107.8 MB

Last update

July 10, 2020

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