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Easy Settings (Phone settings the easy way)

Settings are in different places in different devices. Sometimes finding something like bluetooth, wifi, data,...


Store review

Settings are in different places in different devices. Sometimes finding something like bluetooth, wifi, data, or brightness is not as easy as it may seems. I put together what I believe are the most important settings for users. I have also made the app friendly and easy to use.

This App needs some permissions in order to run and change the settings that you choose to change. I do not save or share any user information. Bluetooth menu is not available from Android 6 (Marshmallows). This app contains advertisement run by Google. I cannot choose the Ads or change them.

Due to Android security some settings cannot be change inside my app, so I provided a link to your phone settings to make it easy to change.


o Wifi

o Automatic Settings

o Mobile Data

o Bluetooth

o Airplane Mode

o Screen Brightness

o Screen Rotation

o Screen Timeout

o Ring and Media Volume

o Font Size

o Location

o Battery

I will include new settings in the future. You can send me suggestions. I will not add advanced users settings, because this App's goal is to help people with basic settings. I may include an advanced tab for this kind of stuff though, but not at the moment.

I have to thank the amazing team of and Most of my icons are from them. You can visit their site and download many icons!

Thank you for downloading and using my app. Feel free to share it. Please do not hesitate to send me an email with any concern about the app or request.

This app is NOT for tablets.

Last update

Feb. 21, 2020

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