Additionally, paste this code immediately after the opening tag:

Album Art Changer

Downloads and sets album art to your music collection. Get art search result for any song. Also allows you to ...


Store review

Downloads and sets album art to your music collection. Get art search result for any song. Also allows you to edit tags.

Set album art per song basis instead of album
High quality Images
Can save both to tags and android database
Saving to tags lets the cover art to persist while moving the mp3 to different computer or device
Choose cover art from gallery
Edit tags such as title,album,artist
Save Album Art to Gallery
Play Songs
Delete Songs

If your music player doesn't detects changed album art, try clearing it's cache by going into Settings->Apps->Your Music Player->Clear data

If your music player shows duplicate album art, then they use Mediastore database which is limited to 1 album art per album. Ask them to use Tags for showing unique album art.

Store rating


out of

20606 reviews

Last update

March 11, 2020

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