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Torrent Search Engine

Torrent Search Engine is the best tool to search and download torrents directly from your device! KEY FEA...


Store review

Torrent Search Engine is the best tool to search and download torrents directly from your device!

Search torrents choosing your favorite search providers from settings
Concurrent mode available to search across all providers concurrently
Download files directly on your device (you need a torrent client app on your device. If you don’t have it, you will be asked to download one for free)
Copy or share torrent and magnet links. Use magnet as favorite, it’s more reliable and doesn’t require .torrent file download
Filter torrents by categories
Remove torrents without seeders option in settings
You can choose the following sort criteria for torrent results:
• speed
• peers
• seeders
• leechers
• oldest
• latest
• size (ascending and descending)
Search suggestions based on your search history
Forward magnet links and download from your computer using a torrent remote app ( when you tap "download with torrent client” you can choose a torrent remote app if available on your device)
Voice Search Integration
You can open the app and show search results using your voice! For example “Search ubuntu on Torrent Search Engine app” and the app will be automatically opened with your results.
Just enable “Ok Google” feature in Google Settings app to use Voice Search ( more info here: )

Note: If your torrent client app does not add the files directly when you choose to download the torrent, you have to copy the magnet link and add it inside the client app.

Last update

Nov. 16, 2019

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