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tag:*Country supported: Japan only *Language supported: Japanese only iSPEED CX (Previous version named iFo...
*Country supported: Japan only
*Language supported: Japanese only
iSPEED CX (Previous version named iFormula Commodity Futures app) is free to use for everyone.
User needs to have an account at Rakuten Securities for commodity futures trading.
User can get an ID and Password to log-in to your account for Commodity futures trading after opening an account.
【Main Function】
■『Price Feed』 - Real time Commodity markets' price feed.
Listed commodity contract (17 on TOCOM Futures market). Real time market prices are available.
User easily can get spread price changes between differrent commodities.
■『Chart』 -Easy to use for technical analystics -
Real time charts and can use 9 kinds of technical indicator charts.
Chart variety : Tick price, Minute and daily or weekly or monthly charts are available.
Technical function: Moving avarage (Simple or weighted) ,Bollinger Band ,Parabolic, Trading Volume, Open Interest, RCI, RSI, Ichimoku Kinko chart
■『Order』 -Tap order: simple and speedy -
User can send order very smoothly and easyily as the user likes.
Quick ordering for active trading or intra-day trading.
Order function : Single-order, Multi-order, IF-Done or IF-Done-OCO
■『Spread Analystics』 -Calendar or corelated commodity spread -
Price margins between Calender or differrent commodity spread charts enable
users to place orders with flexible functions .
・Prease read the terms of use for 「iSPEED CX for Android」
・ID and password of Rakuten Securities are required when user logs in to use. Please open an account through the Rakuten Securities WEB site.
【Exception Clause】Stocks or futures market price information, and other investment information is provided by the Tokyo Stock Exchange, New York Stock Exchange, NASDAQ, SGX, Tokyo Commodity Exchage, Nihon Keizai Shinbun, Thomson Reuters, Toyo keizai Shinpousha, and Fisco. The copyright of Nikkei225 Index belongs to Nikkei Shinbun-sha.
【Important matters】Customer needs to pay some comission and other fees to invest in our offered products. And, all investment products have a risk to have losses by price movement. Please read and understand the documents delivered prior to the conclusion of a contract.
Firm name etc; Rakuten Securities Inc. / Director of Kanto Local Finance Burean(Financial instruments firms) (No. 195), Comodity futures business supplier、Membership in Associations: Japan Securities Dealers Association, Japan Investment Advisers Association,The Financial Futures Association of Japan, Type Ⅱ Financial Instruments Firms Association.
Last update
Dec. 26, 2019