Additionally, paste this code immediately after the opening tag:


Read a daily Bible verse and meditation to start the day with a little reflection. Save your favorite verses...


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Read a daily Bible verse and meditation to start the day with a little reflection.
Save your favorite verses and share them with the world.
Today'sVerse allows you to change the size of text, both to that of meditation, as you like
and save your changes as the default.
To set your preference using the menu button on your device while viewing the daily meditation.
Select "Text Size" and you will have the keys to increase or decrease the size of the text and to save your preferences.

Today'sVerse is now available for the following languages:


Today'sVerse automatically recognizes the language setting on your device and offers you
verses and meditations in your language. To read the meditations in a different language
set the language you want on your device.

Words to Live By
Biblical calendar.
Christian calendar.
Calendar Gospel.

E 'can now copy the text of meditation.
To copy, press and hold on the text of meditation and select copy!

Improved display on devices with high-resolution display.

Last update

Jan. 30, 2020

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