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Geek's soundbox premium

If you too are nostalgic for the sweet music of the 56k modem ... If you think Barney Stinson is a God ... Or ...

$ 0.99

Store review

If you too are nostalgic for the sweet music of the 56k modem ... If you think
Barney Stinson is a God ... Or if you're simply a fan of the Geek universe
,this application is made for you !

Indeed, it includes all of the most famous sounds from movies, video games, TV
series and the Geek world in general.

(!)(!)(!)100sounds available!!!(!)(!)(!)

Such as :

eux vidéos :

- Falcon Punch
- Monster kill
- Killing spree
- Godlike
- First Blood
- Dominating
- Headshot
- Ownage
- Pokemon son 1 (pokemon attrapé)
- Pokemon son 2 ( Battle win)
- Pokemon son 3 (Item catch)
- Pokemon son 4 (Level up)
-Final Fantasy (Fanfare)
- Murloc (Wow)
- Leeroy jenkins (Wow)
- Wombo combo (ssbm)
- Fatality ( Street fighter)
- Finish him ( Street fighter)
- Zelda (Item catch)
- Zelda (Item found)

Cinéma :

- La vie de Brian
- This is sparta
- Les mouettes de Némo
- Gollum
- La respiration de Dark vador
- Le sabre laser
- Chewbacca
- It's a trap!
- The answer of the ultimate question -->42 (Guide du voyageur interstellaire)
- Philiiiiipe!Je sais ou tu te caches!
- Hasta la vista baby (Terminator)
- I'll be back (Terminator)

Séries TV :

- Bazinga
- Knock knock penny
- I'm batman
- Soft kitty
- Suit up
- Legendary
- High five
- When i get sad i stop to be sad...
- Elle est où la poulette? (Kadoc)
- Faut pas respirer la compote ça fait tousser (Kadoc)
- Les pattes de canaaaaaaaaaaaaaard (Kadoc)
- Si on veut savoir si y'a du vent faut mettre son doigt dans le cul du coq (Kadoc)
- Cuillère!(Roi burgonde)
- J'apprécie les fruits au sirop!(Roi burgonde)
- Qu'est à dire que ceci? (Roi burgonde)
- La fleur en bouquet fane et jamais ne renait ( Roi Burgonde)
- Arthour c'est la guerre!(Roi Burgonde)
- A la volette mode Burgonde (Roi burgonde)
- Ouais c'est pas faux ( Perceval)
- J'aimerai bien qu'on commence a me considérer en tant que tel ( Perceval)

Autres :

- Nyan cat
- Avast mise à jour
- Avast virus
- Modem 56k
- Windows 95
- Windows 98
- Windows XP
- Windows Seven
- Msn sound
- Intel sound
- McDo
- Silence! I kill you! Achmed the dead terrorist

New sounds will be added every week, so expect to find Mario and other
characters on your Android terminal soon!

or by email and I will do my best to add it

Facebook page : [

Now you can set the sound as Ringtone, notification or alarm just with a long
press on the button! The sound will be available on your parameters (filename
= geeksounbox)!!

Store rating


out of

52 reviews

Last update

Feb. 15, 2013

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