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iHR Jobs

Find your next job or make your next career move now on iHR Jobs! We make the job search and apply process eas...


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Find your next job or make your next career move now on iHR Jobs! We make the job search and apply process easy. It doesn’t matter where are you located we have thousands of jobs waiting for you. iHR Jobs your gateway for you next career in the MENA Region. We’re revolutionizing the way employers hire staff and candidates find jobs. Easy candidates apply for a job with a single click. Companies publish jobs in seconds. Chat: Candidates and companies can message each other directly through the app messaging system Online Interview: Employer can schedule an interview via our built in video and voice interviewing software and invite the candidate in one click Created iHR Box the most advanced platform for all your task including but not limited to: Job offer, Job Contract, messaging, add to favorites and more.... iHR Jobs available free for all job seekers.

Last update

Dec. 14, 2019

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