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Read Manga!

Read Manga! is the free manga reader that you need, just one app, all the manga. 100% LIBRARY Just sele...


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Read Manga! is the free manga reader that you need, just one app, all the manga.

Just select your source and start reading your favorite manga, all the manga and all the manhwas from the selected source are available and the chapters are always updated automatically in real-time.

- All the manga from your favorite source are available from the app, you don't need to ask us to add it for you, it's already in the app.
- All the chapters are instantly available, you will never need to wait for us to manually update the chapters.
- Resume button: re-start reading just where you stopped
- Recent reads: your last read manga, easily available
- Genre recommendations: the biggest genre recommendations list, all of the available genre from the selected source
- Fastest image load time + caching, to save bandwidth

Create your personal manga list with all of your favorite manga and know when a new chapter is released.

Current sources:
- English: MangaHub, MangaReader
- Italiano: MangaEden
- Español: InManga
- Français: LeLScan-vf
- Many more to come (contact us at for requesting a specific source)

Last update

March 12, 2020

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