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idea Training

idea Training will allow your idea to fly freely. $$ "The most powerful brainstorming, innovation tool" For...

$ 0.99

Store review

idea Training will allow your idea to fly freely.
$$ "The most powerful brainstorming, innovation tool"

For : Creatives, business people, educators, students, coaches, designers, and anyone else who'd like to boost their creativity

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Supporting Languages : English, Chinese, Japanese, Korean
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Combine three different things and put the idea to practical use.

Masayoshi Son, the CEO of SoftBank in Japan, succeeded in his business using this concept of idea training to design applications that are easy to use.

Relax your body and let your ideas come naturally.
Just write what you think.

This training gives you 200 different ways to think about your idea.
Using this method will allow your idea to fly freely.

(idea,idea training, creative, creativity, brain, brainstorm, marketing, planning, PR,public relations,promotion,relax,word,Creatives,business,innovation,innovative,design,designer)

Store rating


out of

13 reviews


456.0 KB

Last update

Dec. 14, 2013

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