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tag:Learn Free Quran with Tutor About Us: We are a team of volunteers from different backgrounds and experi...
Learn Free Quran with Tutor
About Us:
We are a team of volunteers from different backgrounds and experiences, here we are together to spread the true message of Islam and teach basics of Islam online without any remuneration or fee. This website is designed for anyone in the world who wish to learn Quran and basics of Islam for free. We have well trained, qualified, experienced and dedicated staff. We are strict, dedicated, committed to this cause and we expect the same from students and parents who will benefit from this platform.
We do not have any intention to make money, fame or any related benefit for our own sake. It is completely designed to provide a modern and technological way of learning Quran and Islam.
Our vision to spread the true message of Islam for all. To help people in reading and understanding the Holly Quran and the basics of Islam (Shahdat, Salat/Prayer, Zakat, Fast and Hajj).
Simply our mission is to provide opportunities to the whole world learning Quran and Islam online. We believe that spreading knowledge of Islam is worthy of everyone’s life. We provide our services for the sake of ALLAH.
Terms for Students:
1- First of all we (Team of Online free Quran Learning) want to clear that this website is made only to spread the true message of Islam, which is only based on having sake of ALLAH. We do not have any intention to make money, fame or any related benefit for our own sake. It is completely designed to provide a modern and technological way of learning Quran and Islam.
2- Our expectations from students consists of following:
a. Understanding the vision and mission of the
b. Follow all rules and regulations of the at present and in future if there is any change.
c. Acknowledge and understand his/her duty to follow schedule regularly.
d. Responsible for informing management team at least 1 week before if there is any emergency or he/she cannot attend class due to any reason.
e. Knowledge that if he/she will continuously miss 2 classes he/she will be compelled from the schedule.
f. Consent with fully devotion that he/she will learn, attend tests and follow the instructions given by tutor or management.
Sometimes we find it difficult to search for a specific word Koran, Al-Quran (free) provides a local search in addition to instant access to the selected result.
The full text of the Qur'an provides memorization feature with two levels
The 1st for Ayahat (verses) and 2nd for words with hearing the verses to know the correct pronunciation of the Koran
A reader of any Qur'an application (religion Islamic text) from aged and children faces the small font size in the Koran and the applications that depend on images without zoom options, Al-Quran (free) provides speed Increase font with 14 different degrees without breach the words or close or crash the application.
Learn Quran provides comprehensive lessons ranging from very basic topics to advanced Tajweed lessons, making this app suitable for learners at all levels: whether you don’t know at all how to recite the Quran, or you could recite but want to improve your tajweed and makhraj (tahsin).
Last update
Dec. 3, 2019