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Trusted Contacts

Trusted Contacts is a personal safety app that opens a direct line of sharing between you and your family. ...


Store review

Trusted Contacts is a personal safety app that opens a direct line of sharing between you and your family.

Add your family as trusted contacts.

Allow trusted contacts to request your location. If everything’s fine, you can deny the request. If you’re unable to respond, your last known location is shared automatically within a custom timeframe (works even if you’re offline or your phone is out of battery).

Proactively share your location if you feel unsafe or find yourself in an emergency.

Schedule a location alert for a future time.

Your trusted contacts can see your phone’s activity status to quickly know you’re OK.

Integration with Google Maps location sharing, so you can easily enable permanent location sharing with your family or your kids and find them directly within Google Maps.

Store rating


out of

7587 reviews

Last update

March 7, 2020

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