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Reach out to people that match you, create & share with them your daily stories. DISCOVER: Based on ...


Store review

Reach out to people that match you, create & share with them your daily stories.

Based on your interests & location, Allmuze suggests to you Vloggers in the discovery section. You can swipe between them & follow who you might like.

Watch your Vloggers' daily stories in the feed section and rate them, to help improve their performance.

Create your personal vlog on allmuze to start sharing your daily stories by using Allmuze studio, which allows you to do your storytelling using 100 seconds selfie videos or video over video commentary.
Once you start your vlog, Allmuze will suggest it in the discovery section to reach many Allmuze users that may be interested in your personality to help you gain huge popularity in a short time.

Store rating


out of

4469 reviews

Last update

Feb. 23, 2020

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