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Find places to go, local family events and things to do with your kids. KidzList helps you find places to go,...

$ 1.99

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Find places to go, local family events and things to do with your kids.

KidzList helps you find places to go, things to do and family events in 60 US
cities and metro areas. This mobile app has over 375,000 listings of places to
take your kids. Perfect for parents on the go or traveling on vacation. You
can save reminders about upcoming events, notify your friends and families
about cool places to take your kids, view everything on a map and get


KidzList uses your GPS locator or you can chose on of our 60 cities to locate
places to go with your kids.

Add ratings and reviews and upload pictures right on the spot with the app.

Save places you like to your favorites. Send a text, email or post a message
using facebook to all of your friends.

Last update

March 16, 2013

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