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Family and Friend Locator

Safety and knowing where the people you care about, are important. You send your child to school, leave your g...

$ 0.99

Store review

Safety and knowing where the people you care about, are important. You send
your child to school, leave your grandparents at home, get lost on vacations,
lose sight of your partner at shopping center...

And do you want to know exactly where they are? Then, Sweet Traces is for you!
You can track multiple friends, family members, or anybody that you care about
in real time on a map and know exactly how far away they are (in meters).

There are no Sign up or Registration procedures that will waste your time.
Sweet Traces automatically registers you to the system and automatically
updates your location as long as you are in ‘Online’ mode. You can search and
find people, send ‘Following’ invitation.

Sweet Traces will be your guardian angel for both you and the ones you love
and care for, and let you know where they are.

Store rating


out of

11 reviews

Last update

Feb. 15, 2013

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