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Slide and Unblock! Unlock

Unblock is a logical game. This version of the game has no advertising. We recommend you to download the free...

$ 0.99

Store review

Unblock is a logical game.

This version of the game has no advertising.
We recommend you to download the free version, and if you will like it, then buy this version.
You can find a free version on the Apple Store, by typing in the search: "Slide and Unblock! Unlock red plank".

The goal is to get the red block out of the board by sliding the other blocks out of the way.
Unblock comes with 5 difficult levels.

There are 5 categories of difficulty.
Each categorie has 200 levels.
Each level has 9 puzzles(tasks):
8 puzzles 6x6 and 1 super-puzzle 7x7.

There are total (5x200x9) = 9000 tasks.
The easiest tasks are solved in 6 moves.
The most difficult - in 50 moves.

The "Solution"-button is available for all tasks(puzzles). No limit.


55.8 MB

Last update

Nov. 28, 2019

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