Additionally, paste this code immediately after the opening tag:

readPad Notes

You can also share your notes on Twitter, Facebook or WeChat, Sina Weibo at any time. The elegant notepaper, f...


Store review

You can also share your notes on Twitter, Facebook or WeChat, Sina Weibo at any time. The elegant notepaper, finely crafted typography and carefully thought-out layouting make note-taking a pleasure. You can insert images to your notes.

New v2.0: Different color for classification
1. Enter a note, you can see 5 different color stars on top of notes, then you can set a color for the note.
2. But gray star represents all notes.
3. On directories, you can click a color star to show the color notes.

Store rating


out of

3 reviews


3.5 MB

Last update

June 22, 2020

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