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Background Reporters

Background Reporters: The facts help you guide your business to success. Let the facts protect you from disa...


Store review

Background Reporters:

The facts help you guide your business to success.

Let the facts protect you from disaster.

- Almost 1/3 of all business failures are caused by employee theft
- It costs between $7000 and $40,000 to replace an employee
- On-the-job violence costs employers $36 billion each year
- 1/3 of all application forms contain outright lies about crucial information
- In the United States, over half of all new hires don't work out
- The buck stops with you

As an employer or as a human resources professional, you have to make vital decisions about potential or current employees in a limited amount of time. You may also have to comply with a bewildering variety of state and federal regulations regarding safety and privacy. And you have a business to run!

Store rating


out of

2 reviews


40.8 MB

Last update

July 7, 2020

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