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Ace Auspicious Time

Ace Auspicious Time calculates beneficial times for activities at your location. Using Indian Vedic astrology,...


Store review

Ace Auspicious Time calculates beneficial times for activities at your location. Using Indian Vedic astrology, the day and night's eight Choghadiya Muhurtas are calculated. The Choghadiya time intervals have a nature of being good, neutral, or bad for starting an activity.
Your location and time zone are used to calculate your sunrise and sunset. Your device's location or GPS can be used if it is available. For planning events elsewhere, you can change your latitude and longitude.
There are seven types of Choghadiyas:
* Amrit: nectar. [Moon, good]
* Chal: neutral, okay. [Venus, neutral]
* Kaal: to go after (with hostile intention), persecute [Saturn, bad]
* Labh: gain, benefit. [Mercury, good]
* Rog: disease [Mars, bad]
* Shubh: lucky [Jupiter, good]
* Udweg: regret, fear, distress (separation from a beloved object). [Sun, bad]
App published during Shubh.

Store rating


out of

1 reviews


36.7 MB

Last update

June 30, 2020

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