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Arc Performance

Put Arc Skoru in your pocket! Enter the Project ID of any registered building, or track the performance of U.S...


Store review

Put Arc Skoru in your pocket! Enter the Project ID of any registered building, or track the performance of U.S. Green Building Council Headquarters in the five categories of energy, water, waste, transportation and human experience.

LEED is a roadmap for business leaders, bringing their company more value, higher return on investment, more satisfied customers and more productive employees. Exacting and demanding, LEED challenges innovators, global leaders and Fortune 500 companies alike to set bigger goals, and to pursue the highest quality building space possible.

The Arc Skoru is a building performance monitoring and scoring platform. It measures building performance across five categories: energy, water, waste, transportation and human experience, and generates a performance score (out of 100) which is updated as new building data enters the platform. It is designed to enable building owners, facilities managers, consultants and other team members to observe trends and make meaningful improvements to building operations that save money, resources and make building occupants more comfortable. The data collected through the Arc Skoru can also be applied toward LEED certification or recertification.

Arc Skoru uses its Arc platform to allow users to measure performance, make improvements and benchmark against other projects. Arc is a complement to LEED and other green building rating systems, standards, protocols and guidelines and allows buildings and spaces to compare performance metrics and connect those metrics to green building strategies. Arc enables incremental improvements and can put a project on track for LEED or other rating system certification.


14.9 MB

Last update

June 21, 2020

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