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Giggleberry Fair

Download the app for Giggleberry Fair and laugh your way through specials savings, loyalty offers, family fun ...


Store review

Download the app for Giggleberry Fair and laugh your way through specials savings, loyalty offers, family fun and more. Take advantage of your exclusive mobile download offer and start adding up the bonus loyalty savings for fun-filled parties, special activities, camp outings and family gatherings – all from the convenience of your mobile device. From family-friendly dining at the Painted Pony Café to a fun and challenging obstacle course, the kids will have a blast. App-eal to their natural curiosity with a visit to Giggle Discovers. Enjoy a carousel ride or challenge the kids to some family friendly arcade games. Tap the app for savings and enjoyment at Giggleberry Fair.

The Giggleberry Fair app provides:

• An exclusive download offer
Loyalty punch card savings
Menus and photos
Food and Drink Specials
Discounts & Special Offers

The Giggleberry app is free and you will receive your first offer soon after it is downloaded.

Giggleberry Fair at Peddler’s Village in Bucks County, Pennsylvania is an old fashioned festival of fun specially designed for families with young children. Five attractions from a café to a game room app-eal to kids of all ages and their families. The joy of a restored carousel will bring back memories for parents and grandparents, alike. Watch the kids scramble up the obstacle course and take some pictures as they conquer the challenge. Introduce them to the games you enjoyed as a kid and see if your skills are still sharp, and pique their interest in nature and the world around them with a visit to Giggle Discovers. Special app-only offers and savings make it fun and easy to laugh the day away at Giggleberry Fair at Peddler’s Village.

Store rating


out of

1 reviews


88.0 MB

Last update

June 19, 2020

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