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Songstats Power your music. With moments that matter. — Mobile-First Music Analytics. Notifica...


Store review

Power your music.
With moments that matter.

Mobile-First Music Analytics.
Notifications you’ve earned.

Songstats provides you with a comprehensive overview of how your music is performing across the most important streaming services and download stores. The Songstats mobile app sends push notifications when your tracks are added to major playlists, reach new milestones, and chart in different territories and genres.

Comprehensive Insights.
Your updates in real-time.

The Songstats platform is a powerful tool that highlights key performance metrics without needing to dig further. Artist and label dashboards showcase the most important all-time and recent achievements in your entire catalogue, while individualized track pages deliver detailed analytics for each data source. These include: Spotify, Apple Music, Shazam, 1001Tracklists, Beatport, Traxsource, iTunes & SoundCloud - all in one place!

Last update

April 11, 2020

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