Have you ever lost your phone? Has your friend ever taken your phone? Then this is the perfect app for you! T...
$ 1.00
Have you ever lost your phone? Has your friend ever taken your phone? Then
this is the perfect app for you!
This app allows you to control your phone remotely from any other phone and do
just about anything.
If you lose your phone you can: get its location, make an alarm sound, turn on
the flashlight, send all your contacts to a different phone, etc.
If your friend has your phone and won’t give it back you can: lock it, make a
popup message, take a picture and send it, freeze the phone, etc.
How it Works:
This app has a number of features (listed below) that can all be activated
through text messages. When you install this app you will have to setup a
“message code”. All this means is that you must choose what word(s) in a text
message will cause each feature to activate. Once you setup the text message
that will activate each feature your good to go! Now if you ever lose your
phone just send a text message to it, that is the same as the “message code”
and the desired feature will be activated.
Play an Alarm Sound, Make a Popup Dialog, Make a Toast (smaller popup), Lock
Phone, Turn on Flashlight, Freeze your Phone, Send your Phones Location, Take
a Picture(and email it), Send a list of all Contacts (and email it), Recovery,
and Reboot the Phone.
The “Photo Capture” and “Send Contacts” features send their data (Pictures or
Contacts) via email as an attachment file. Please be sure to setup what email
address you want the info sent to. The “Send Location” feature does not send
the location as an email. It sends a text message with a link to its location.
Clicking on the link will open Google maps (either the app, or in a web
browser) and automatically show you the location.
Here I will run you through exactly what each permission is used for in this
Receive SMS: This is used get incoming text messages and compare them to the
“message code”. If they are the same it will activate the desired feature.
Access Fine Location: This is used when the “Send Location” feature is
activated. If the GPS is on, this permission will be used to get the phones
location so it can send it back to you.
Access Coarse Location: This is used when the “Send Location” feature is
activated. If the GPS is off, this permission will be used to get the phones
locations, through the cell towers, so it can send it back to you.
Camera: This is used when the feature “Photo Capture” is activated. It is
required in order to take a picture.
Send SMS: This is used when the feature “Send Location” and “Recovery” are
activated. They both send text messages and therefore require this permission.
Write External Storage: This is used in the feature “Send Contacts” and “Photo
Capture”. These features save their data to the SD card before they can email
the information.
Internet: This is used in the features “Send Contacts” and “Photo Capture”. In
order to send data these features must use the internet.
Read Contacts: This is used in the feature “Send Contacts”. In order to send
your contact data it must first be able to read your contacts.
Flashlight: This is used in the feature “Flashlight”. This permission is
required in order to turn the flashlight on.
Last update
Feb. 23, 2013